- May 23 Fri 2008 12:38
- May 20 Tue 2008 15:29
[520] 嶄新的一天
台股520行情,Day1..... 根據歷史經驗,群益投信王智民預測:月線連3紅 會再漲3成 | ![]() |
更新日期:2008/05/20 | |
政黨輪替、兩岸融冰效益發威,台股月線連3紅,群益投信投資長王智民指出,根據歷史經驗,月線連3紅,台股站穩年線後將再漲3成!大華投顧董事長杜金龍指出,在520慶祝行情後,短線可能會有獲利回吐賣壓,政黨輪替後,中長多格局將會持續! |
- May 13 Tue 2008 15:28
[Rec] 錄到鬼
- May 09 Fri 2008 10:46
[Witful Beauty] 張鈞甯
- Apr 29 Tue 2008 10:46
[C] decisive-less
- Apr 21 Mon 2008 15:28
[Oracle] WITH clause
Descending from Oracle 9i release 2, the WITH clause has been implemented.
The WITH clause is like a temp table function that used widely and frequently in other database systems.
It's too bad this clause surfaces so late, but to look on the good side, I am glad we finally have such a good and convenient syntax to organize more efficient queries.
- Apr 18 Fri 2008 10:10
[Coldfusion] Query of Queries
query of queries simple example :
<!--- Main query which will be used later. --->
<cfquery name="qry_apply_list" datasource="#application.odbc#">
/** Comments */
- Apr 10 Thu 2008 10:13
[Sports] Baseball lingo
- Apr 08 Tue 2008 15:38
[政治] 立法院不用審法案也有錢領耶~~
- Apr 07 Mon 2008 22:45
[政治] 國民黨陳根德立委說海洋之聲台長廖述炘自焚的行為笑死人?!
- Apr 07 Mon 2008 19:27
[JavaScript] 判斷兩日期間的天數差異
var d1=new Date(ob.Date_Start.value);
var d2=new Date(ob.Date_End.value);
var d3=(d2-d1)/86400000;
- Apr 01 Tue 2008 13:04
[政治] 國民黨廖婉汝立委:西藏『暴動』是台灣出資
- Mar 19 Wed 2008 17:58
Zuckerberg of Facebook.
As you can see, I think he is not a very convincing guy though he is the youngest billionaire in the world.
In this video, a young female reporter was interviewing him and definitely flirting with him.
He tried to tell the audience his vision and where Facebook would go, but like what I said he was not convincing at all, that's what I feel about him.
- Mar 17 Mon 2008 22:49
[Music] Regina Spektor - Fidelity
- Mar 07 Fri 2008 11:01
[CFMX] You have attempted to dereference a scalar variable of type class coldfusion.sql.QueryColumn
from tobylaroni @ http://livedocs.adobe.com/coldfusion/6/CFML_Reference/Tags-pt121.htm
If you are inside a loop (using cfoutput or cloop) of a query generated by CFDIRECTORY, you *cannot* use the attributes scope! This is because within the loop. "attributes" is the name of one of the fields returned by CFDIRECTORY. If you're in a CFDIRECTORY loop and you try to set the value of, say, attributes.person_id, you will encounter genuinely odd errors like:
You have attempted to dereference a scalar variable of type class coldfusion.sql.QueryColumn as a structure with members.